My Rejaw Review, Somewhat

August 21, 2008

The new buzz on FriendFeed is a site called Rejaw. Maybe it’s me but just the title of the site seems to be a bit odd to say. Sounds like a word you say after a headshot. Like “j00 g0tz r3j4w’D” or some shit like that. I’m not very keen with the big and uncrisp font. So far, I was able to fix that with AdBlock. In short, it’s basically a Twitter clone. Think of Twitter and FrendFeed if they were to combine. Actually, Rejaw is more like a FriendFeed clone since you can embed and talk in conversations.

So, just what the fuck is the big hoopla? Hell, I still don’t know. People say that Leo Laporte has lead the way to making Rejaw the new Twitter. You mean like how was going to be the new Twitter? Or Plurk? Even FriendFeed was called the new Twitter when Twitter started fucking up shit. People, before you claim some new site a new anything just remember that there will be another site that will be better than the last one.

The only thing I’m doing with mines is posting swear words.
I’m still new on FriendFeed. Unlike the Titanic, I’m not jumping ship. Plus I can’t swim.
So, what’s my verdict? It’s ok. Nothing about it is grand enough to make me leave my Twitter and it sure as hell not any better than Twitter. So, go and join it if you want. That’s why God made “close account”.


July 9, 2008

Clipboard Diary

July 7, 2008

I just got finished tinkering with a free program called Clipdiary I saw in Smart Computing (July 2008, Vol. 19, Iss.7, Pg. 26). It’s basically an “extension”, if you call it that, to the Windows clipboard. What’s so special about it? Well, it remembers everything you “RC & S” (Right-Click & Save) into a little .sql file on your PC. Once you install it, you can press Ctrl+D to open and close it. I find it handy if you’re doing things like uploading videos and/or images on multiple sites.

Here’s a bad video of me messing with it.

Zooomr vs. Flickr: Who’s Better To You?

May 24, 2008

I assume everyone knows about Flickr and how it works so, I’ll skip to the meaty chunk, ok?

So, I signed up for another online photo community site called Zooomr (yes, three O’s). Now, i never heard of this site until i noticed Thomas Hawk had uploaded some photos. As usual, I joined it just to see what’s doing.

If you’re used to Flickr, then you’ll quickly adapt to Zooomr.
It’s the same method: upload photos and share them. The do have PRO accounts but compared to Flickr, I like it. Why?

Check-out some of these great Pro-Only features:

* Zipline Complete: Is page 1 just not enough? Zipline Complete gives you the ability to view all of your friend’s Zipline messages.
* Social Stream: Find tons of up-to-date social information from your Photos and Social Circle, all at-a-glance!
* Discover Pro: Want better exposure for your photos, Discover Pro shows the world photos from our Pro Users
* Better Support: While we help everyone as best we can, being a Pro will escalate your issues to the top of our lists.
* Ad-Free Layout: View Zooomr without the advertisements!

Most of the stuff listed here I don’t really mind but, you’re telling me I don’t have to pay for “Unlimited Photo Storage” and “Unlimited Sets/Collections”?
Already, I may switch to Zooomr for my photos.

OH! and Zoomer actually detects my Sony Handycam whereas Flickr only detects my Cybershot.

Sorry Flickr but… Zooomer is my new favorite.

Help Me Win A HP Dragon And Vote For Outsanity

May 21, 2008

video –
website –

Join the new forums and vote for me, please.
I REALLY need this notebook.

Twitter Vs. Pownce

May 6, 2008

Everyone is on the new iCrack that is called Twitter. I assume people use Pownce. So, what is the difference in the two?

Twitter is described as a “micro-blog”, status update, and a social network. Think of as a MySpace/Facebook minus all the crap.
Pownce is almost the same except you get options to upload files, post an image, and share an event on their calendar. Both sites are free except (I saw that coming), Pownce has a pro account feature. As far as I can tell, Pownce’s pro account only lets you customize your page with CSS. Are they serious?

My judgement: Twitter wins this one. Fuck a “pro” account to just use CSS.

Virus Scanners: Online Or Onsite?

April 30, 2008

So, here’s what is on my mind, the one person who’s “reading” this.
We spend good money on good antivirus programs like McAfee, Nortons, and NOD32. But, we all know one program don’t really cut it. If you didn’t know that, shame on you, meatheat. What I meant by that is that, depending on what program you use, it might not catch most viruses. Usually, and you can do this, you can add the free version of AVG and install it. Think of it as like a backup. AVG will catch some viruses that the paid protection may actually miss.

You may or may not know but, there are free online scanners that you can actually use as well. Quick math: the program you pay for + the free AVG + the online scanners = 3 and over virus scanners. So, just how easy is it? Well, most of them will require you to use Internet Explorer (IE) but, all you have to do is install some ActiveX and that’s it. Best thing is that some will delete your infected files while others will list off what and where infections so you can manually remove them…
or at least try to.

So, I suggest you give what I said a shot.

I hate Elmo. That was a random freebie.

As Seen On

April 29, 2008

Just so you know, I don’t mean the actual “” website in the title. It was supposed to be like a play on words kind of thing.

Anyway, on to the post.

Remember the good old days when we used to watch tv shows on that box called a “television”?
And, who could forget that addon that allowed you to record a show on a cassette tape?
Well, sorry to break your 97 year old hearts but, we don’t use those items anymore. They went out like dinosaurs. And, no, not the tv show. That was a funny show.

We all know the “wave of the future” for everything in life will revolve around high-tech methods such as computers and/or the internet. It wasn’t until the begining of YouTube people started watching tv on the net. Now, let’s not confuse streaming episodes and movies with downloading them (I don’t plan to go into details). Of course, what stopped that was all the lawsuits.

We have HD/DTV, Blu-ray DVD, TVio & DVR cable boxes and the rest of the crap that’s out. So, as I once asked before, if we can get our tv/movie content off the web off sites like Hulu and network sites and even file sharing, why bother even having a tv set? Why have a DVD player? What point is it to have cable, DVR’s, and TVio if we can just do all that in one box: the computer?

I can honestly say I only look at the tv for WWE’s Raw and some anime on [adult swim] (yay Inuyasha!).


April 15, 2008

So, Flickr now has videos or as they call it “moving pictures“. Seems like a nice idea but nice things can go bad. I explain why I think it’s (possibly) bad.