Games To Movies

July 7, 2008

If you remember on April 1st, 2008, posted their joke known as “The Legend Of Zelda: The Movie” trailer. Like many people, I thought it would make a good movie just by IGN’s faux trailer. So, now I’m wondering “what games could be turned into movies if done right?”. I, kind of, made a list of games I personally think could get the big screen treatment.

*Halo – I don’t have Xbox but, I would assume it could be a movie if done right.
*Megaman – If done right, it could be a good series. The birth of Megaman and Dr. Wily and Sigma teaming up some how. Protoman being bad but then turning good.
*Mario Bros. – I know there’s already a movie about them but, we need an ACCURATE remake. The only correct thing is the last name (Mario Mario & Luigi Mario) and they were from Brooklyn.
*Sonic The Hedgehog – If he can have 5 cartoon shows and many comics, why not do a movie? The way they do Sonic in the games now, they can do the same for a movie.
*Paper Mario – I’m sorry but, I would pay to watch a well done Paper Mario movie. That’s just me.

This is just a small list but I’m sure there’s some I’m missing (and some I can’t seem to think of). So, I say go for the gusto and post a comment of what you think would make a good Game-to-Movie.

Does Playing Video Games Count As A Date These Days?

May 31, 2008

I’d like to think so seeing games these days are more involved than… an actual movie.
Of course, adding alcohol will enhance the date more.

So, I vote yes.

As Seen On

April 29, 2008

Just so you know, I don’t mean the actual “” website in the title. It was supposed to be like a play on words kind of thing.

Anyway, on to the post.

Remember the good old days when we used to watch tv shows on that box called a “television”?
And, who could forget that addon that allowed you to record a show on a cassette tape?
Well, sorry to break your 97 year old hearts but, we don’t use those items anymore. They went out like dinosaurs. And, no, not the tv show. That was a funny show.

We all know the “wave of the future” for everything in life will revolve around high-tech methods such as computers and/or the internet. It wasn’t until the begining of YouTube people started watching tv on the net. Now, let’s not confuse streaming episodes and movies with downloading them (I don’t plan to go into details). Of course, what stopped that was all the lawsuits.

We have HD/DTV, Blu-ray DVD, TVio & DVR cable boxes and the rest of the crap that’s out. So, as I once asked before, if we can get our tv/movie content off the web off sites like Hulu and network sites and even file sharing, why bother even having a tv set? Why have a DVD player? What point is it to have cable, DVR’s, and TVio if we can just do all that in one box: the computer?

I can honestly say I only look at the tv for WWE’s Raw and some anime on [adult swim] (yay Inuyasha!).

Step Up 2 The Streets

February 2, 2008

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